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visar innehåll med det högsta anseende på 2022-09-17 på alla områden

  1. Brandvalp.pdf Visa fil Reservdelslista för brandterrängbil 921D Inlämnare smypm Inskickat 2022-09-13 Kategori Volvo 903/Valp/Felt  
    1 poäng
  2. Hey Sugga admirers! I finaly completed this more than 2 years long project. The Sugga has been an obsession since I came to know of its existence about 10yrs ago. So much that I decided to make a 3D model out of it. This was my first project like this, I didn't had any blueprints or plans, just photos and a very rudimentary specifications table. This is what came out. I have it on sale on CGTrader, see link below, and I'm willing to make a discount to every member of this forum who's interest on aquiring it. If you're interested, DM please. The file is supplied in several formats. https://www.cgtrader.com/products/volvo-tp21-sugga
    1 poäng
  3. magisk grå rök på burk för gamla bilar
    1 poäng
  4. A barber, a bald man, and a scholar are going on a journey together, and one night they take turns to watch the baggage. The bald man goes first, and nothing happens. Then it's the barber's turn. Still, nothing happens, and he's so bored that he shaves the scholar's head. Finally, it's the scholar's turn. He wakes up, feels his head, and says, "That idiot barber! He's woken up the bald man instead of me." Another Roman Joke
    1 poäng
  5. Kom ett kläppande ljud från midjan idag när jag var ute och åkte. Fick även bandkalle tidigare på kväll. Jag tror det är ett drivkors. V_20220817_203350_ES6_1.mp4
    0 poäng
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