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Om autovelk

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  1. Hello im trying to find the fuses meaning for my tgb30 can anybody help???
  2. is there a manual about the eletronic wiering of the scania tgb 30.or what wiers should i check with the vinsch problem???
  3. need some pointers where to start with my search...the vinsch aint working...a week ago it did if i push the button the vinsch light will not go on and no valve clicking also
  4. once more i opened the acceleration switch and cleaned it...now the everything is working thanks SBA111 for the advice.
  5. Hello again im looking for coil springs for my scania tgb 30.at the moment i have original leaf springs but i want some carry more weights with it.anybody have any suggestions???
  6. no i opend up the acceleratsion swich and cleaned it was realy rusted also i had to make some adjustments on the swich so that it would push the little button with the pedal.before that i had gears to 3h no mechanical gears didnt swich from the gearbox now they do but the problem is if i use the drive wheel dissengemnet button all gears are gone and will not return if i press the button again...unless i remove the upper connector. i will check the 536 wire tommorrow maybe that will give me some new leads
  7. thanks for the hint of the accelerator switch it revs like an animal now.but still a problem with the gears...after i use the winch/pto without wheels then no gears will engage the cars just wont move without me removing the upper connector.if i remove the connector something klunks in the gearbox and everthing works
  8. I have a problem with my new big friends tgb 30 gear selector/gearbox...if i turn off the gearbox and engage the winch everything works.if i have finished winching and try to engage the gear to continue driving,the car will not move.if remove the upper gearselector box connector(wiers)something makes a sound in the gearbox and the fun can continue.any suggestions anyone.
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