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    • Hi Jim, Thanks for your very nice comment! Ron's comment was of course humor, I do believe people have much help from yoga although I myself do other exercises. Keeping moving is really important.   Your diesel Webasto is a nice addition, well done! And yes I'm happy the heater is in there, although not (yet) working. There's a chance I find a good 24V waterpump or get the old leaking one repaired, but otherwise I probably will use a converter for the 12V waterpump. When I would replace the entire heater for that NOS 12V WP1021, I guess it's the simplest to have the 24V>12V convertor directly before of the control unit, so that only 12V goes to the heater? At this moment I need to remove the heater from the cabinet and must figure out how to do that at best, since it's quite tricky for the lack of space. I see 4 bolts where the heater-frame seems to be attached to the backpanel, I presume these bolts turn into nuts welded on the back of that panel or thread anyway. Maybe you still can remember this?   I looked up your Northwest MogFest: what a great event and so many years already! A little bit too far away, that's a realpitty. Also having someone in the neighbourhood who can repair these TGB's when needed would be great, places for that aren't easy to find. Also found a picture your TGB 1314, nice! Also that Moonshade is clever.  Well, if someone over there would like to own a 1977 TGB 1314 they always can contact me 🙂   Have a lot of fun over there! Jan de Vries
    • Jan,  You are fortunate as many of the TGB1t314 trucks never had the Webasto heater unit installed. Mine was one that was plumbed for the heater but no heater installed. I chose to install a later model 24v diesel Webasto Thermo Pro 50 Eco and it has served my very well. If you have a "new" WP1021 in 12v, I suggest you replace the old unit with the newer one and simply add a 24v-to-12v converter.   I must strongly disagree with Ron's comment about being able to skip yoga classes. If you are already practicing, keep it up.  I have driven and repaired Volvo TGB trucks for over two decades and have been a yoga instructor since late 2014. Practicing yoga on a daily basis (often two practices/day) has brought me better balance, better core strength, better flexibility, greater relaxation and less frustration, greater focus and the loss of 30 unnecessary pounds. This year will be the 26th year of my wife and I hosting Northwest MogFest on our family farm in rural NW Oregon. I was founded to gather owners and others interested in high mobility European vehicles. Since 2014, we have offered daily yoga practices and attendance is quite healthy.   Best wishes for a quick resolution to your heater issue.   Jim Molloy Waldersee Farm 1975 TGB1314A "MAMMUT"          
    • I will Ron, thanks for your comments. Cheers, Jan
    • Let us know if you get it fixed, there must be more people interested in this ! Good luck, Ron
    • That common practice is correct. I've had contact with different companies and persons, up until now nobody knows about the numbers but I've the same feeling. One person told me the pump I have probably is the first type Webasto used and the second type thereafter (he sells only 12V and also tests and repairs WP1021's as business) is the second type.  The shaft seals according to him is hard to find.  Anyway, I also asked someone for measures of length and diameter: if that's ok for a U4808 it should have to fit.  First I need to gather courage to get the WP1021 out of it's housing...:-)  
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    • HRJ  »  Einhead

      Hej Fänrik
      Jag har en Volvo TGB 11 där min huvudcylinder läcker. Jag ser att du bytte packningar i din huvudcylinder, bra jobbat. Kommer du ihåg var du köpte packningssatsen ifrån? Jag kan inte hitta ett repset. Kan du hjälpa mig?
      Jag vet att Tatanka har det, men det är väldigt dyrt.
      Med vänlig hälsning, Henrik
      · 0 svar
    • La82  »  vetrieska

      do you still have the snoslunga? 
      want to sell it?
      · 0 svar
    • vetrieska  »  Björn

      Are you still on this forum?
      Maybe you can help me deal with swedish traffic office, concerning making an Ex-military Snoslunga 77 road legal. I know it's possible, saw one sold with licence plates, but don't know how to start and which papers are needed. off course not for free, i will pay for your effort and time spent if you can help me.
      I just have a tgb45, bought recently a Snoslunga and want to take it to Poland. But i think that without Swedish papers it will be impossible to registrate it in Poland. 

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    • SÖS  »  Dretlanning

      Hej Dretlanning. Har du någon styrenhet till salu just nu?
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    • Roland Petersson  »  H.Hansen

      Jag undrar om du har kvar några hjullager till Valp framnav ? Du hade väl köpt hem ett gäng Timken lager för ett tag sen,102849/102810 ? Jag skulle behöva 4st. Eller vet du kanske nån som har till rimligt pris?
      Sonen tjata på mig och vi köpte till slut en Valp med A-traktor regg att köra och meka med. Att just hjullagerna skulle vara så udda hade jag inte koll på. Tyvärr är de helt slutkörda på vår valp så nu måste de bytas.
      Mvh Roland 
      · 1 svar
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